into a semi-rigid mass.  ​​​It simultaneously insulates and air-seals baseboards, headers, sill plates, and around windows, doors, electrical outlets and pipes to make homes more energy efficient, comfortable, quiet and less dusty.  Spray foam insulation  contains no ozone-depleting chemicals, CFC, HFC, fibers, formaldehyde or asbestos and is therefore considered an enviornmentaly friendly "GREEN" building product.

The air-impermeable foam provides a perfect fit every time and its R-value does not diminish over time.  Spray foam insulation is also considered an air barrier and does not support the growth of molds and mildew.  It has been rated to withstand gust wind conditions up to 160 miles per hour.  Laboratory testing confirms that spray foam insulationmeets the intent of all the latest North American Building Codes in the U.S. and Canada, including the 2012 IECC, IRC and IBC.

 that may be difficult or impractical to reach with fiberglass. Spray foam insulation is sprayed into the uninsulated area, such as an attic, basement or wall cavity, and expands to fill every recess and crack, thus creating a truly airtight seal.  Spray foam insulation is energy efficient, durable, and helps create a comfortable building environment by helping keep homes warm in winter and cool in summer.  Spray foam insulation both insulates and air seals, offering an easy and effective way of weatherizing existing buildings and new construction.

Many homeowners are initially inclined to select fiberglass insulation since that is what they are most familiar with and because it is relatively inexpensive. However, you should consider all your options before making a choice.

In recent years, spray foam insulation has seen significant growth in both general interest and acceptance as a high-performance solution to seal and insulate the entire building envelope.  While its upfront costs may be a little higher than fiberglass, spray foam insulation is considered to provide a better quality insulating barrier than other options, ultimately saving homeowners money through reduced energy costs over time. Spray foam insulation is uniquely suited to fill small areas

Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation is a superior insulation product that overcomes several disadvantages of other insulation products. Spray foam insulation can provide a more uniform, consistent thermal barrier as well as provide air flow retarder functions. To best obtain spray foam’s potential benefits, and overcome it’s higher initial costs, spray foam should be used in a systems approach to creating a better building. In a roof application, spray foam will increase the structure’s ability to handle high winds as well as bring the attic into the conditioned space. A roof application of spray foam insulation will reduce infiltration and reduce ceiling heat transfer and duct losses. Wall and floor applications will also create better thermal and air barriers, and make better use of engineered products. Spray foam insulation can result in less conductive, convective and radiant heat transfer, lower infiltration rates, less duct losses, a more structurally sound building and can result in significantly smaller-sized heating and cooling systems and better comfort levels for the occupants.

Spray foam insulation is the most energy efficienct insulation product available today.   It has numerous possibilities for residential and commercial applications. 

​The use of spray foam insulation can help homeowners reduce heating and cooling costs by as much as 50% and HVAC tonnage by as much as 40% without the loss of energy and comfort.  Return on investment averages two to four years, depending on the size of the home.  Steel City Insulation, LLC  will provide a free estimate so builders and their customers can compare spray foam insulationwith other types of traditional insulation.

As a spray applied polyurethane foam insulation system made up of millions of microscopic cells, spray foam insulation applies as a liquid and expands 120 times its volume 

​Steel City Insulation, LLC applied Spray Foam Insulation will make your home more comfortable and less expensive to heat in the winter and cool in the summer.  In short, spray foam insulation provides "ENERGY SAVINGS FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR HOME".

Spray Foam Insulation and Blown Cellulose Blanket Contractor

(724) 352-FOAM (3626)

​Steel City Insulation, LLC